8 August, 2018
When the Volcan de Fuego (Fire Volcano) in Guatemala erupted in June, over 100 people died, another two hundred went missing and many hundreds more were injured. The blast was similar to that of Pompeii, with boiling ash sweeping though at over 100kph, leaving victims in its wake.
The Roosevelt and Escuintla hospitals were inundated with burns victims and the infrastructure could not support the fallout.
In collaboration with Guatemalan expats and Professor Fiona Wood in Australia, together with the Roosevelt and Escuintla hospitals and Rotary in Guatemala, Pharmachal sent a batch of its NOPAYNE mini-emulsion analgesic spray to lessen the suffering of burns patients during their long routes to recovery.
Dr Lourdes Santizo, a paediatric burns specialist in Guatemala City, has expressed great appreciation for the donation and has told us that NOPAYNE has been a valuable addition for treating her burns patients. Dr Santiso reported that patients felt no pain when NOPAYNE was applied before applying honey / acetic acid solution or removing dressings from burns.
Dr Santizo also informed us that NOPAYNE has presented new opportunities for treatment, especially when it comes to treating multiple patients with no measuring or injections. She has requested more NOPAYNE from Pharmachal and we are working to produce another commercial-scale production run to fulfil the order. Pharmachal will also send its EU-B honey-eucalyptus antiseptic cream to work in tandem with NOPAYNE.